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Resources for Residents

Resources for Residents

The City of New Britain is doing its part to manage stormwater. However, everyone living in New Britain can help manage stormwater and prevent water pollution. The following practices will help reduce the volume of stormwater created and help prevent pollutants from coming in contact with stormwater. Click the links below to learn more!

  • Only rain down the drain - never dump anything down a storm drain.  Anything dumped down a storm drain, such as chemicals, oil, etc. will eventually end up in a local waterbody.
  • Reduce the amount of runoff from your property – plant rain gardens, reduce the amount of impervious surfaces, or install a rain barrel. Learn more! 
  • Disconnect roof leaders – direct roof leaders onto pervious surfaces and away from walkways and driveways so that stormwater can infiltrate into the ground.
  • Pick up pet waste and flush it down the toilet. Learn more!
  • Take care of your septic system – have your septic tank pumped and inspected at least once every two or three years. Plant only grass over your drainfield to avoid damage from roots and do not park or drive on it. Only put washwater and wastewater down the drain. Don’t dump excessive chemicals, medications, food or household products into your system. Learn more!
  • Practice good lawncare techniques – leave lawn clippings on the ground, as they decay, they provide a natural fertilizer to the ground. Piles of old grass clippings can cause nutrients and bacteria to enter waterbodies. Minimize water usage to conserve water. Create a compost pile or bin to use as localized fertilizer but keep it away from wetlands and waterbodies. Learn more!
  • Plant native and drought tolerant species that require less water and vegetate bare spots in your yard to minimize erosion of soils into local waters. 
  • Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly to minimize water quality impacts. Fertilizers contain nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen that can cause too much plant growth such as algae in waterbodies. This can lead to problems with boating, fishing, shellfish harvesting and swimming. Learn more!
  • Use a commercial car wash or wash your car on a lawn or other unpaved surface to minimize the amount of dirty, soapy water flowing into the storm drain and/or waterbody.
  • Proper handling of chemicals – if you spill oil or other substances on a road or driveway, immediately clean up and properly dispose of materials.
  • Take care with swimming pool water – don’t discharge into a storm drain or waterbody. If discharging onto the ground first dechlorinate water.