Getting married in New Britain?
Marriage Licenses will be issued by appointment only
You can now begin the marriage license process by utilizing our online Marriage Marshal portal. This is your official marriage record.
In Connecticut, a marriage license may be issued by the town clerk’s office only in the town where the ceremony is performed. Once issued, the license is good for 65 days. We advise couples to apply for their marriage license about two weeks before the ceremony.
To schedule an appointment with this office please contact:
Lauren Lynes at (860) 826-3338 or
Corrine Teti (860) 826-3339 or
Judy McMahon (860) 826-3345 or
Magdalena Wilinski-Pelech (860) 826-3335 or
Marie Haze (860) 826-3349
Jennifer McMahon (860) 826-3347 or
Josh Broekstra (860) 826-3336.
Once the appointment is scheduled, the couple must come to the office and each provide a government-issued ID (driver's license or passport). We will review, print out the necessary paperwork, and issue you both the oath. Marriage licenses are valid for 65 days from the date of town clerk issuance to the couple.
A certified copy of your marriage license can be obtained from the town clerk’s office where the marriage occurred or your town of residence at the time of marriage, provided the marriage occurred in the state of Connecticut. For marriages occurring outside the state of Connecticut you can only obtain a certified copy of your marriage license from that state or country. The cost of a certified copy of a marriage license is $20. You may request a certified copy of your marriage certificate by mail by sending the completed marriage certificate request form, the fee (cash or money order), a self-addressed stamped envelope, and a copy of a government issued photo identification.
Mail completed certified copy application to:
Mark H. Bernacki, Town & City Clerk
City of New Britain - Vital Records
27 West Main St - Room #109
New Britain CT 06051