Military Discharge
Veterans who served in the military during time of war, and own property or cars in New Britain may file their military discharges with the Town Clerk's Office in order to receive tax exemptions. Original DD214 and certified copies of DD214 forms will be accepted as proof of prior service in the military. Plain photocopies are not accepted.
There is no charge to file or to obtain a certified copy of a filed military discharge.
Click here to view the dates determined to be time of war by SEC 27-103.
If you are not in possession of an original or certified copy of your DD 214, a duplicate can be obtained
by requesting and completing a Standard Form 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records.
If you have a DD214 recorded in the New Britain Town Clerk’s Office and are in need of a certified copy,
you may stop into the office or submit this Military Discharge Certified Copy Request Form.
Further assistance regarding veteran tax exemptions can be provided by calling the New Britain Tax
Assessor’s Office at 860-826-3323.
American Legion Soldiers, Sailors, Marines Assistance Fund - this fund was established by the American Legion for temporary financial assistance for veterans. Click here for the application form.
List of volunteers to assist veterans in filling out the application. This list was provided to the Town Clerk's Office September 2014.
Contact Us
27 West Main Street
Room 109
New Britain, CT 06051