Tax Collector
The overall responsibility of the Tax Collector's Office is the management of an effective and efficient tax collection process for the City ~ in accordance with local City ordinances and all related State of CT Revenue Collection Statutes. This involves everything from billing (taxes), informing (the public) and advising (taxpayers) on all matters relevant to municipal property taxes.
Delinquent Motor Vehicle Tax data is shared regularly with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This partnership helps alert taxpayers to taxes they may owe (and need to pay) before registering/renewing a vehicle. Correspondence is answered on a daily basis. Jeopardy taxes on businesses being closed are issued and followed through to effect possible collection. Notices from the Bankruptcy Court must be checked for outstanding taxes. Reports (of all Assessor corrections resulting in monies due back) are compiled monthly for Common Council. Refund of the monies are then authorized by the Tax Collector after approval of Common Council.
Daily deposits of funds collected are made by the Tax Collector. Checks returned by the bank for any reason must be followed up to effect collection plus the penalty charges incurred.
What do I owe now / What did I pay last year?
TAX bills Search and Pay
Contact Us
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051
T: 860-826-3317
F: 860-612-4206
Cheryl S. Blogoslawski /
Tax Collector, CCMC
Revenue Specialist /
David Greaves, CCMC
Regular Office Hours :
8:15am - 3:45 pm
Monday thru Friday.
Evening Office Hours :
8:15 am - 6:45 pm.
Last Business Thursday of every month.