Recognizing the high costs associated with sidewalk repairs, the City has developed a Cost-Sharing Sidewalk Repair Program which involves the City reimbursing property owners for up to 50% of the costs of sidewalk replacement for single family residential properties, 40% for two family properties, and 33% for three to six family properties.
The Cost-Sharing Sidewalk Repair Program has the following limitations and requirements:
1. Property owners must enter an agreement with the City to be eligible for this program and
sidewalk repair reimbursement funds.
2. This program is limited to New Britain residents, and owner occupied rental properties.
3. $6,000 is the maximum value the City will reimburse a property owner.
4. The maximum construction cost the City will reimburse a property owner is based on the City’s
estimate using pricing which was selected under a Public Bid process, or the actual cost billed to
the homeowner by the contractor, whichever is less.
5. New construction is exempt from this program.
6. This program is limited to sidewalk repairs on existing properties.
7. Sidewalk work must be performed by a qualified contractor licensed to do sidewalk construction
with the City.
8. Work must be completed in conformance with City’s Engineering Standards.
9. All applicable state and local permits must be obtained when doing the sidewalk repair work.
10. Police traffic control costs can be included in the total project cost.
11. The property owner must provide the City proof of payment to the contractor prior to receiving
If you are interested in applying for this program please contact Nick Burns at (860) 612-5008 or via email at