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Field Services Division

Key Contacts:

Domenic Mutone, Superintendent

Public Works Field Services Division is led by the Superintendent, Domenic Mutone.  Domenic is supported by a staff that includes parks, streets, sanitation, traffic, forestry, and horticultural professionals. Overall the Field Services Division is the largest and most diverse division in Public Works.  Field Services staff is based out of multiple work sites out around the City, and their responsibilities include the management and maintenance of approximately 170 miles of city streets, the City’s approximately 1,200 acre park system, the City’s recycling center, traffic operations, horticultural operations, forestry operations, and Willow Brook Park (which includes New Britain Stadium, Beehive Stadium and Veterans Stadium). 

Some of the key operations led by the Field Services Division include support for popular City events like the annual fireworks, general park maintenance, street sweeping, leaf bag collection, pothole and trench repairs, and maintenance and repairs related to the over 35,000 containers involved in the City’s curbside refuse and recycling collection programs.  The Field Services Division also performs takes the lead role managing the City’s Winter Storm Operations.

Contact Us

Administration, Engineering and Survey
Public Works Department
5th Floor City Hall
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051

Tel: (860) 826-3350
Fax: (860) 826-3353

Streets, Traffic, and Fleet Services
Public Works Yard
55 Harvard Street
New Britain, CT 06051

Water & Sewer
New Britain Water Maintenance Building
1000 Shuttle Meadow Road
New Britain, CT 06052

Transfer Station Scale House
642 Christian Lane 
New Britain, CT 06051