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Public Works Divisions

Key Contacts:

Mark E. Moriarty, PE, Director of Public Works
Mailene Downes, Administrative Services Officer 

New Britain’s Public Works Department is made up of five divisions as follows:

  1. Administration Division
  2. Field Services Division
  3. Utilities Division
  4. Fleet Management
  5. Engineering and Right-of-Way Management

Based out of New Britain City Hall, Public Works' Administration Division provides leadership and management for the department’s five divisions as well as oversight and management for the department’s finances, establishing projects, programs, and initiatives, and the handling of human resource matters.


Contact Us

Administration, Engineering and Survey
Public Works Department
5th Floor City Hall
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051

Tel: (860) 826-3350
Fax: (860) 826-3353

Streets, Traffic, and Fleet Services
Public Works Yard
55 Harvard Street
New Britain, CT 06051

Water & Sewer
New Britain Water Maintenance Building
1000 Shuttle Meadow Road
New Britain, CT 06052

Transfer Station Scale House
642 Christian Lane 
New Britain, CT 06051