Capital Projects
Public Works’ Engineering and Right-of-Way and Utility Divisions administer the majority of Capital Projects within the department, and on average these groups manage approximately $10 million of construction annually. The projects range in size, scope, and purpose, and typically involve addressing issues such as road and sidewalk construction projects, utility and infrastructure upgrades, safety improvements, environmental compliance, and livability improvements such as Complete Streets projects that are intended to help spur economic growth and improve the quality of life in the City.
Each capital project involves a scoping, fund raising, and scheduling component as well as the oversight of each project’s design and construction. Some design, and the majority of the construction administration and inspection, is performed by “in-house” staff. Public Works has been very successful obtaining state and federal grant funds to pay for the majority of the projects they administer.
Other City Departments such as the Parks and Recreation, Facilities Departments, and Municipal Development also administer capital projects in addition to Public Works. A list of current projects for every City department is included in the City’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. This document is updated annually and available for download from the City website.
Contact Us
Administration, Engineering and Survey
Public Works Department
5th Floor City Hall
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Tel: (860) 826-3350
Fax: (860) 826-3353
Below list below shows the primary Capital Projects Public Works Engineering Division is managing.
Project |
Phase |
Project Cost ($) |
Main Funding Source |
Est. Completion |
Phase VIII Streetscape - Washington Street, Columbus Boulevard, Chestnut Street. Click here to download Public Information Documents. |
Design | $3.0 Mil. | LOTCIP Grant | 2023 |
88-198 Beeline Trail Phase 1
Public Information meeting was held on 4/27/2023 |
Design | $3.76 Mil. | TA Set-Aside | TBD |
Beeline Trail Phase 2 & 3 (Multi-use Trail). Click here to download public information documents | Design |
$200K Design $600K Phase 2 Construction |
DEEP Rek Trails & CTDOT Community Connectivity |
Phase 2 - 2022 Phase 3 - TBD |
John Downey Drive roadway and pedestrian improvements | Design |
$3.0 Mil. |
LOTCIP Grant | TBD |
88-195 Stanley Loop Trail (Multi-use Trail) - Phase 2 Public Information Meeting to be held on 6/19/19. Click here to download Public Information Documents. |
Design |
$2.2 Mil. |
TA Set-Aside Grant |
2022 |
Phase VI Streetscape – East Main Street & Myrtle Street Project L088-002. Click here for more information |
Construction |
$3.37 Mil. |
LOTCIP Grant |
2021 |
88-192 City Wide Traffic Signal Modernization Phase II. Public Information Meeting to be held on 2/28/2019 with a 3/5/2019 snow date. Click here to download Public Information Documents. |
Construction |
$3.0 Mil. |
2021 |
If you have a question about any of the City’s Capital Projects feel free to contact us.