Public Works
Welcome to the City of New Britain Public Works Department’s website. The City’s Public Works staff is dedicated to providing friendly service while maintaining the City’s roads, parks, and utilities, taking a lead role in many City initiatives, and managing critical operations such as Winter Storm Operations. We encourage you to take some time and look through our website to learn about the services we provide.
Mark E. Moriarty, P.E., Director of Public Works
Mailene Downes, Administrative Service Officer
The Public Works Department is one of the largest departments in New Britain, and is also probably the department with the most diverse areas of responsibility. These responsibilities mostly involve providing public services on items such as trash and recycling collections and also work associated with improving and maintaining the City’s assets and infrastructure like its roads, parks, and utilities.
New Britain’s Public Works Department has a staff of over 100 dedicated technical, professional and operational employees that perform the work related to these areas.
The core areas of responsibility for New Britain’s Public Works Department include the following:
Providing Public Services Including
- Refuse and Recycling programs and initiatives
- Curbside Collection Programs for leaf bags, burnable & non-burnable bulky waste, and Christmas trees
- Pavement Management Program which includes the annual paving and sidewalk programs
- Capital Project and Right-of-Way Management
- Winter Storm Operations
Construction, Maintenance, Alteration and Repair of The City's Infrastructure Including
- Over 170 miles of City streets (how many streets and intersections), and over 250 miles of sidewalks
- Approximately 1,200 of city parks and related infrastructure and amenities
- Water utility operations involving a state of the art Water Treatment Plant, over six reservoirs, three water storage tanks, six pumping stations, three well fields, 6,000 acres of watershed land, 271 miles of pipe, 1,852 hydrants, and water meters serving over 17,500 customers.
- 69 City owned traffic signals, miles of traffic pavement markings, and thousands of traffic signs
- Sanitary sewer and storm sewer utilities involving over 5,400 catch basins, manholes, and 233 miles of pipe
- The City’s Fleet Operations which involves over 450 vehicles and large equipment
- Forestry and Horticultural Operations
- Over 35,000 refuse and recycling containers
New Britain’s Public Works Department has a staff of over 100 dedicated technical, professional and operational employees that perform the work related to these areas.
Contact Us
Administration, Engineering and Survey
Public Works Department
5th Floor City Hall
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Tel: (860) 826-3350
Fax: (860) 826-3353
Streets, Traffic, and Fleet Services
Public Works Yard
55 Harvard Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Water & Sewer
New Britain Water Maintenance Building
1000 Shuttle Meadow Road
New Britain, CT 06052
Transfer Station Scale House
642 Christian Lane
New Britain, CT 06051