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Policy on Sexual Harassment


It is the policy of the City of New Britain to provide a workplace environment that is free of sexual harassment as defined by both federal and state statutes in which, emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its workplace and its visitors, free from discriminatory conduct or communication.  Sexual harassment in any form will not be tolerated.

It is the responsibility of the Mayor of the City of New Britain to maintain a working environment free of sexual harassment and intimidation.  The Affirmative Action Officer and/or Personnel Director with the assistance of the Corporation Counsel has been designated as the coordinators for investigations and enforcement of the City of New Britain Sexual Harassment Policy.

Directors, department heads, chairpersons, supervisors, and elected city official share responsibility for the implementation of the City’s policy in regard to sexual harassment in their respective positions and units.  Other persons who suspect sexual harassment should report it to an appropriate person in their departments/divisions.

This policy shall apply to all individuals affiliated with the City of New Britain including, but not limited to employees, volunteers, and visitors, and is intended to protect the rights and privacy of both the complainant and respondent and other involved individuals, as well as to prevent retaliation or reprisal.  Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action.

Policy history: Revised:  March 12, 2016

Related Documents to Sexual Harassment Statement:

Policy and Procedures

Complaint Form


27 West Main Street, Room 409
New Britain, CT 06051
T: 860-826-3404
F: 860-826-3407