Assessment Appeals
Board of Assessment Appeals
The Board of Assessment Appeals is an elected Board. They are elected in the odd years during municipal elections. The position consists of a two year term. Current members were elected in November 2023:
David A. Grant, Chair
Colin Ivan Osborn
Maria Turczanik
If you wish to appeal your real estate, motor vehicle or personal property assessment for the Grand List of October 1, 2024 or the Supplemental Motor Vehicle Grand List of October 1, 2023, you may do so by filing a completed Board of Assessment Appeals Form as per Section 12-111 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut. Completed forms must be received by the Board of Assessment Appeals on or before February 20, 2025. If a proper appeal is filed, taxpayers will be notified on or before March 1, 2025 of their date, time and place of their hearing. Hearings will be held by appointment only:
March 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, & 17, 2025 - all starting at 6pm in Room 101.
Please returned completed forms to:
Assessor's Office
27 West Main ST
New Britain, CT 06051
Board of Assessment Appeals Form
- The Assessor's Office does not change the assessment on late model automobile assessments. The basis of these assessments is average retail price and the pricing procedure recommended by the Office of Policy and Management. These assessments, which are used throughout the state, are based on the National Automobile Dealers Association price guides.
- If you do not feel that your motor vehicle assessment is correct, you may appeal your assessment to the BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS. Any October 1st assessment may be appealed by making a formal written application to the Board of Assessment Appeals on or before February 20th after the October 1 assessment date. If February 20th falls on a holiday or weekend the last day to appeal is the preceding business day (postmarks are not accepted). Appeal forms are available in the Assessor's Office. The Board of Assessment Appeals meets in March to hear assessment appeals. This appeal would be for the current October 1st assessment for the bill which will come out the following July.
- Also, you may appeal your motor vehicle assessment to the BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS at their September meeting(s). You must make a formal written application and your appeal can only be for the bill(s) which you received the previous July. Appeal forms are available in the Assessor's Office. If you are granted a reduction for a bill which you have already paid you will be given a refund. PLEASE NOTE, in the event that you appeal your assessment but do not pay your taxes or make insufficient payment within the original payment period for the tax, you shall be subject to all interest and penalties in the same manner as any tax due as provided by the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut.
- For the supplemental motor vehicle tax list (bills due January 1), if you wish to appeal your assessment to the BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, you must make a formal written application to appeal your assessment on or before the February 20 immediately following the January 1 due date of the bill. Please read item #3 above for consequences of payment or non-payment pending appeal.
- If you are not satisfied with the determination of the Board of Assessment Appeals, you can only appeal their action to COURT. This must be done within two months of the mailing of the notice of the action of the Board of Assessment Appeals.
- If you choose to directly appeal your assessment to SUPERIOR COURT without recourse to the Board of Assessment Appeals, you must appeal to Superior Court within one year from the date as of which the property was last assessed.
Real Estate Appeal Process
- If you feel your assessment is incorrect, you may request the CITY ASSESSOR to review your assessment. You must make a written request by letter in which you state your name, the address of your property, and that you want the assessment of your property reviewed. This letter must be submitted before the assessment date, October 1st, in order to affect the tax bill for the following July 1st.
Please address your letter to:
City Assessor
27 W. Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051 - If you are not satisfied with the review of the City Assessor as outlined above or if you choose to go directly to the BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, you may appeal your assessment to that Board by making a formal written application on or before February 20 following the October 1 assessment date. If February 20th falls on a holiday or weekend the last day to appeal is the preceding business day (postmarks are not accepted). Appeal forms are available in the Assessor's Office. The Board of Assessment Appeals meets in March to hear assessment appeals. The Board of Assessment Appeals has the authority to increase or to reduce assessments. Any change of real estate assessments by the Board of Assessment Appeals will take affect on the following July 1st tax bill.
- If you are not satisfied with the determination of the Board of Assessment Appeals, you can only appeal their action to SUPERIOR COURT. This must be done within two months from the date of the mailing of notice of the action of the Board of Assessment Appeals.
- If you choose to directly appeal your assessment to SUPERIOR COURT without recourse to the Board of Assessment Appeals, you must appeal to Superior Court within one year from the date as of which the property was last assessed
Contact Us
27 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06051
T: 860-826-3323
F: 860-612-5013