Plan of Conservation and Development
The City of New Britain recently updated its Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), which serves as the foundational document that guides all development projects in the City for the next decade. Most towns let their plans sit on the shelf and collect dust but not New Britain! Countless hours of work have been put into this new plan to set the City on a path to prosperity for the next ten years. This new plan combines the City’s SMART City Committee, the Transit Oriented Development Committee & the Complete Streets Master Plan, extending it to areas beyond Downtown.
The 2021 plan is a completely new document from the City’s 2010 POCD. It will ensure that investment will be felt in all corner of New Britain for years to come. The Mayor’s Strategic Planning Committee is in charge of implementing the 2021 POCD, and is made up of City staff members, Commissioners, Alderpersons, as well as members of local community organizations.
The 2021 Plan of Conservation and Development can be found here.