Commission on Community and Neighborhood Development
The Commission on Community and Neighborhood Development (CCND) serves as the City of New Britain’s designated Redevelopment Agency. CCND is responsible for the allocation and oversight of state and federal grant funding for the purpose of community and economic development. This includes U.S. Housing and Urban Development entitlement funding granted annually to New Britain. The Commission also serves as the applicant & oversight board for a variety of funding opportunities addressing the following community development needs: elimination of blight, environmental assessment and clean-up, housing quality improvements, and community development capital & planning projects. CCND is chaired by Commissioner Alphonse Wright and meets monthly on the second Thursday at 6:00pm.
Current members
Alphonse Wright – Chairman
Clifford Parker
David Buckwell
Louise Belkin
Nicole Cantu
Norm Dorval
Anita Green
Sheryl Mala
Sara Piatti
Nancy Rodriguez
Council Liaisons to the Commission:
- Alderwoman Wilma Barbosa
- Alderwoman Lori McAdam
- Alderwoman Iris Sanchez
- Alderman Nathan Simpson
- Alderman Jerrell Hargraves
CCND meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00p.m. in room 201.